
Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

At Zurich International Financial Trust, we understand the significance of safeguarding the privacy of information shared by our customers and website visitors online. We have outlined our measures to ensure online privacy below. Additionally, we uphold stringent security standards and procedures to prevent unauthorized access to customer information.

Access to your personal data is limited to employees with a legitimate business need, such as delivering products or services, or for legal purposes. Any employee found misusing customer information will face disciplinary action.

When does Zurich International Financial Trust gather information about my online activities?

You furnish personal details to Zurich International Financial Trust under the following circumstances:

  • Keep a vigilant eye on your account activity to spot any unauthorized purchases; promptly contact us if you detect any irregularities.
  • Utilizing any Zurich International Financial Trust Online services or applying online for products and services.
  • Engaging with financial tools, calculators, or questionnaires on our website.
  • Communicating with us through internet email or forms on our website.

Additionally, we collect information about you or your online engagements through the following methods:

  • Browsing our site: Non-personal information is recorded by First International Online Internet Servers during your site visit. This data is primarily used to enhance your online experience and includes details such as the operating system, domain name, and browser type. The information is used in aggregate, non-personally-identifiable form for internal reviews of site visitor numbers.
  • Via Cookies: We employ "Cookies" on our website to monitor and manage online banking and trading sessions. Cookies are lines of text sent to your web browser, stored on your hard drive, and transmitted back to the server upon your return to the site. These cookies serve site management purposes and do not contain sensitive information. Information collected through cookies is not shared, except as allowed by law.

Can I prevent having my information collected online?

The information that you provide to us online is given voluntarily when you use our e-mail forms or our online transaction and account information systems. You cannot prevent your information from being collected when conducting these types of transactions.

How is my online information utilized by Zurich International Financial Trust?

In the regular course of operations, Zurich International Financial Trust may employ your information to furnish the requested products and services. The use of information may include positive identification, communication, addressing inquiries, and assessing potential interest in First International Online products and services.

The online information collected by Zurich International Financial Trust is handled in a manner consistent with the utilization of information obtained through other channels, such as in-person applications or telephone interactions.

Is it possible for me to decline the sharing of nonpublic personal information?

If you are a customer of Zurich International Financial Trust, you will receive our annual Privacy Notice detailing the information we collect and potential sharing practices. The notice provides Opt-Out instructions if you prefer not to share your collected information with affiliates or non-affiliates, except as legally allowed. Opting out can be done by calling or mailing the provided Opt-Out form.

If you are not a customer of Zurich International Financial Trust, we do not disclose online-collected information about you unless permitted by law.

Is it possible for me to modify or rectify the information collected about me on the internet?

Any information pertaining to your account relationships or financial services can be modified or amended upon your request. Feel free to get in touch with us via phone or in writing to address corrections to your account details.